This paper examines the influence of financial inclusion on moderating the uncertainty-growth nexus. By employing the dynamic panel threshold method suggested by Seo and Shin (2016) and utilising data from 2007 to 2021, the analysis of the results reveals that the degree of financial inclusion exerts a substantial influence on the transmission effect of United States (US) and China uncertainties on economic growth. The findings suggest that US and Chinese economic policy uncertainty (EPU) harms economic growth when financial inclusion (FI) is below the threshold value (low-FI regime). Nevertheless, when financial inclusion is above a threshold value (high-FI regime), the impact of US and Chinese EPU on economic development becomes insignificant. These findings indicate that financial inclusion matters in mitigating the transmission of uncertainty shocks to economic growth. These results are robust using disaggregated growth data by analysing the manufacturing, services, industry, and agriculture sectors. Policymakers should advocate for financial inclusion in light of these findings, as it not only directly fosters development but also alleviates the adverse effects of uncertainty on economic growth.