The non-linear association between bank fintech and relationship lending: A panel threshold analysis of Indian banks
Sofia Mathew  1  , Rudra Sensarma  2@  
1 : Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode
2 : Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode  (IIMK)
FB-3, IIMK Campus P.O., Kunnamangalam -  India

Recent studies have produced mixed evidence on whether information technology benefits or hurts relationship lending. However, this study is the first to incorporate the recent advances in financial technology to estimate the relationship between bank fintech and relationship lending, emphasizing the non-linear nature of this relationship. Using a panel threshold regression with data from Indian banks, we establish the existence of a threshold beyond which the relationship changes. The empirical results indicate that greater bank fintech is associated with an increase in relationship lending only after relationship lending crosses a threshold level. Below the threshold level, more bank fintech is associated with a decline in relationship lending under certain specifications. These findings are robust under alternate measures and specifications and generate important insights about the use of fintech in the banking industry. 

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