Does Board Compensation Influence Corporate Social Responsibility Investment?
Ankur Paliwal  1  , Chandrasekaran Nagarajan  1@  
1 : IFMR Graduate School of Business, Krea University

This paper empirically investigates the association between Board compensation and corporate social responsibility (CSR) using data from publicly listed firms on the Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE) from 2013-2023. We find that board compensation is an important determinant of CSR investment. Further analysis reveals that this relationship is more profound when director compensation exceeds a certain threshold. Our additional analysis reveals that the relationship between board compensation and board compensation is significantly positive for firms operating in low-competitive markets and having high growth opportunities. We also find that CSR is significantly negatively related to a firm's total risk. To address the endogeneity concerns, we ran a series of tests. Overall, our results are robust in the use of alternate econometric methodologies.

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