You are cordially invited to submit your research papers (English only and in PDF files) to the Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance 2024 (VSBF-2024), which will take place between 24 and 26 October 2024 in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. We will organize the conference in a HYBRID FORMAT that allows residential or online presentations, so please do not hesitate to submit your work. 

This Symposium, jointly organized by AVSE Global, the Banking Academy of Vietnam, and the International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics (ISAFE) in partnership with EMLV Business School and Massey University, aims to bring together academics, practitioners, and policymakers to share their research findings and discuss current and challenging issues in banking and finance. The Symposium is also ideal for Vietnamese scholars to exchange research experiences and develop research projects with their international colleagues.

In this edition, alongside academic research papers, we extend our warm welcome to submissions from practitioners including the policy discussion and/or professional reports that address current issues in banking and financial system.


Professor Huyen Pham

Professor Huyen Pham

Distinguished Professor of Financial Mathematics, Université Paris Cité, France & Editor-in-Chief of SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

Professor Huyen Pham is a Distinguished Professor of Financial Mathematics at Université Paris Cité, where he headed the Mathematical Finance research team of the Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation. He leads research in quantitative finance, stochastic analysis and control, and machine learning techniques for numerical probabilities. He is the author of more than 100 publications, including the monograph Continuous Time Stochastic Control and Optimization with Financial Applications. He serves on the editorial boards of several international journals and is the Editor-in-Chief of SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. Prof. Pham was appointed member of the Institut Universitaire de France in 2006, awarded the Louis Bachelier prize by the French Academy of Sciences in 2007, and was a plenary speaker at the 9th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society in 2016.

Professor Tom Smith

Professor Tom Smith

Professor in Finance, Macquarie University, Australia & Co-Editor of Journal of Accounting Literature

Professor Tom Smith is one of the leading finance academics in Australia. He has been ranked as the number one finance academic in Australia and New Zealand by both the Journal of Financial Literature and the Pacific Basin Finance Journal.  Tom is the leading researcher in Environmental Finance, Asset Pricing Theory and Tests, Design of Markets – Market Microstructure, and Derivatives. Tom has supervised over 50 Ph.D. students to completion, and his Ph.D. students have over 50 tier 1 papers in their own names.

Professor Bruno Solnik

Professor Bruno Solnik

Professor in Finance, HKUST Business School, Hong Kong SAR 

Bruno Solnik is a Professor Emeritus at HKUST Business School and a Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Finance at HEC-School of Management in France. He holds an Engineer degree from Polytechnique in Paris and a PhD from MIT. He was on the faculty of the Stanford Business School before joining HEC. He has been a visiting professor at the University of California at Berkeley, UCLA, Université de Genève, University of New South Wales, and University of Tokyo.

He is a former President of the European Finance Association and Director of the American Finance Association. He has written seven books, five in France and two in the USA, including Global Investments (formerly titled International Investments, the leading textbook in the field, translated into Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese). The sixth edition of Global Investment, coauthored by Dennis McLeavey of the CFA Institute, is used for all three levels of the CFA examination. He has published some fifty articles in leading finance and economics journals such as the Journal of Finance, the Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of International Money and Finance, etc.. He also serves on the board of editors of several major Finance journals in America, Europe and Asia.

Professor Solnik has served on the Council for Education and Research of the AIMR (now CFA Institute) and its Research Foundation. He has received many prizes, including two Graham & Dodd Awards for Excellence by the Financial Analysts Journal, The "Finance Award of the Year" at the 1998 Interlaken Finance Symposium, and the Nicholas Molodovsky Award, presented by the AIMR Board of Governors on May 22, 1999. "This award is given periodically only to those individuals who have made outstanding contributions of such significance as to change the direction of the profession and to raise it to higher standards of accomplishment". He was the first non-American to receive the award.


  • Best Paper Award in Finance presented to
    • Mitch Warachka (Chapman University, United States) with paper titled: The Value of Openness  
  • Best Paper Award in Banking presented to
    • Vesa Pursiainen (University of St. Gallen & Swiss Finance Insittute, Switzerland) with paper titled: Real Concequesnces of Banking Efficiency


The scientific and organizing committee welcome submissions in all areas of banking and finance presentation at the conference no later than 23 August 2024 (extended). Early submission is highly encouraged, and decision is made as soon as the review is completed.

The main topics of the conference include, but not limited to:

  • Asset pricing and allocation
  • Banking regulation and financial services
  • Behavioral finance
  • Capital market integration
  • Corporate finance, IPOs, SEOs, M&A
  • Corporate governance
  • Digital finance
  • Dynamics of international capital markets
  • Emerging markets finance
  • Entrepreneurial finance
  • Finance and sustainability
  • Financial crises and contagion
  • Financial econometrics
  • Financial engineering and derivatives
  • Financial markets, institutions, and money
  • Financial modeling
  • Financial policy and regulation
  • Investment funds
  • Macro-financial linkages
  • Market behavior and efficiency
  • Market linkages, financial crises, and contagion
  • Market microstructure
  • Monetary and financial macroeconomics
  • Portfolio management and optimization
  • Risk management
  • Special sessions: Professional Report

Practitioners should choose the “Special sessions: Professional Report” track in the Topic field during the submission stage.


A paper refers to a fully developed manuscript on a scholarly topic. We do not impose any style requirements. If needed, one can refer, for example, to Author Guidelines.

Note: You have to create an account to submit your article to the system

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Submission portal opened
01 May 2024

Submission deadline (extended)
23 August 2024

Notification of review results
As soon as possible 

Registration deadline (extended)
16 September 2024

Conference event
24–26 October 2024


Huu Toan Bui, Chairman, Board of Trustee, Banking Academy of Vietnam, Vietnam

Thi Hoang Anh Pham, Acting President, Banking Academy of Vietnam, Vietnam

Duc Khuong Nguyen, Acting Dean - Managing Director, EMLV Business School, France & President, AVSE Global


Sabri BoubakerEM Normandie Business School, France

Hung Do, Massey University, New Zealand & Finance and Banking Network, AVSE Global

Viet Dung Tran, Banking Academy, Vietnam


Special issue of Journal of Forecasting, titled “Forecasting carbon prices in an integrated market network” under the Guest-editorship of Assoc. Prof. Hung Do, Dr. Linh H. Nguyen, and Dr. Thomas Walther. Submission deadline: 28th February 2025. See call for papers.


Special Issue of Research in International Business and Finance “Integrating Inclusive Finance and Sustainability: Pathways to Carbon Neutrality and Nature-Positive Futures” under the Guest-editorship of Assoc. Prof. Anna Min Du (Edinburgh Napier University, UK) and Prof. Malin Song (Anhui University of Finance and Economics, China). See Call for papers for more details.



In consultation with the Editors-in-Chief of Annals of Operations Research, Journal of ForecastingJournal of International Financial Management & Accounting, and Review of Corporate Finance, authors of best conference papers will be invited to submit their papers to a regular issue of the Journals.





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